Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hello there!

After some serious contemplation on whether I will continue to blog here or not, I finally made a decision. I came to realize that as I go on living a life of an educator, I also get to experience so many new things from time to time. Some of them, for all I know might be too interesting to miss blogging about. So I decided to start ticking the keyboard again for this page.

I might also consider buying it a custom domain. I had a difficult time keeping up with the annual registration fee before the reason why I let it go. Good thing I stayed with Blogger otherwise, I could have lost my old posts.

So the plan is to keep its old niche. I really intend to do that especially now that I am teaching Web Developing with my Grade 10 students. Plus I also engaged myself in Computer Systems Servicing (CSS) - a new qualification of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), took the training and passed. With all that I might be able to publish and share something beneficial. We'll see.

I'm quite in the mood at the moment so I guess I'll just end up here so I can check out on the latest Blogger Templates. Since, I'm making a come back, I also need my site to wear something new. Hmm...I miss doing that too.


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