Saturday, November 30, 2013

Understanding Internet Lingo

We deal with them everyday. Some we understand, some we don't. Here is a list of some common lingo used online and their definitions.

1. Know that IP Address is also referred to as Internet Protocol Address. It is the unique number code used to identify a machine that is connected to the Internet. Every user online, thus, has an IP address. It is also the address used to ban someone from a forum, chat room, or service.

2. Understand that ISP means: Internet Service Provider. These providers offer you access to the Internet if your computer isn't already set up with one.

3. Realize that LAN means: Local-Area Network. A group of computers connected together usually in a building or a small area to allow interaction as one, cohesive unit.

4. Know that HTML means: Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the language used and basic structure of every web page on the World Wide Web. Designers create HTML through editors such as Frontpage, or manually with a simple application such as Textpad or Notepad.

5. Understand that Trolling means: An online community driven term that refers to users, often anonymous, that go on message boards, chat rooms, and social networks to harass and insight conflict amongst members of its community. For example, a churchgoing forum may have a post about Jesus, and someone can be trolling by making a post such as "Jesus sucks." It holds no immediate value to its members and only seeks to provoke anger and retaliation posts.

6. Realize that Search Engine means: a utility found on the Web that allows you to use keywords and phrases to find web pages that interest you. The most famous of search engines is Google, but there are many others available for specific niches that may be beneficial to you.

7. Know that FTP means: File Transfer Protocol. It is an interface that allows a user to transfer files directly from his Desktop onto the web account where he or she hosts files. This is the primary way that web designers upload their material to the Web, and backup their websites from the Web.

8. Know that URL means: Uniform Resource Locator. Also known as the "web site address", it is a convenient way to go to a website compared to typing in its IP address. It first came about with the onset of the Web browser, which also provides many extra features to the everyday user.


Among the mentioned acronyms above, the word "trolling" comes the most unfamiliar to me. Funny, how I happen to understand and deal with HTML without knowing its meaning. (???) Interesting, huh? As interesting as a great remo djembe at musicians friend.


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